Malayalam bible study ephesians
Malayalam bible study ephesians

malayalam bible study ephesians

She eventually saw through it all because a friend, who was worried about what Mum was getting into, took the time to expose it by getting Mum to read a book called 'The beautiful side of evil' by Johanna Michaelson. This led to many practices that were 'deeds of darkness' even though they were portrayed and expressed as being 'the light' and 'the truth' back then. My mother was led into the New Age when it started becoming popular in the early 1980's.But He certainly exposed the works of the enemy 1 and there are many ways that this verse can be applied 2. But He didn't go around saying things like 'you're a prostitute and I know what you did last night.' And yet His life brought about the greatest sense of love and conviction and, ultimately, transformation, from those living such lifestyles. He sometimes revealed things about a person one-on-one (such as with the Samaritan woman in John 4:18) if it could lead to salvation. The Lord Jesus didn't really operate that way. So Paul starts this section by saying 'have nothing to do with deeds of darkness but rather expose them.' What comes to mind when you hear that? I personally don't think he had in mind unbeliever's personal sins as such. (12) For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. Let's push the go button.Įph 5:11-12 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. So that is what we will be focusing on today. through a Spirit-led, Spirit-filled, Spirit-controlled life It instructs us on the only way to survive such days.It instructs us to make the most of the opportunities we have.It instructs us to watchful, wake and alert,.It instructs us to oppose & expose the deeds of darkness.How are we to live in such days? I've called this message 'Staying alert in evil days' and this passage gives great instruction for believers in these trying times. Well Ephesians 5 speaks to believers in such days.

malayalam bible study ephesians malayalam bible study ephesians

Widespread propaganda and brain washing occurring, especially with the youngest and most vulnerable among us. Increased restriction and persecution of believers. There is mass censorship and coverups of truth. we aren't quite there yet but there is still a noticeable increase in evil and deception occurring around the world and you do get the feeling that all the players know that the time is short. 'Woe to the earth' is the announcement for those days. The Bible says in Revelation 12 that the day will come when the enemy knows that his time is short and will be flung to the earth filled with wrath. I know I've been saying it a bit, but allow me to pop up onto the soap box once more. We are in Ephesians 5:11-20 today and this is a great passage, extremely relevant to the days in which we live. Bible Study Series: Ephesians - The Third Heaven EpistleĮphesians 5:11-20 Bible Study - Staying alert in evil days by I Gordon

Malayalam bible study ephesians